петък 13 януари 2012 г., 11.00 часа, 41 аудитория, Ректорат
Публична лекция
на тема
Perception of Other Minds
Анита Аврамидес
Колеж „Сейнт Хилда”
Оксфордски университет
петък 13 януари 2012 г.
11.00 часа
41 аудитория
Софийски университет „Св. Климент Охридски”
Abstract: Perception of Other Minds
In this talk I consider the suggestion – by Fred Dretske, John McDowell and Quassim Cassam – that I literally perceive other minds. While Dretske allows that I can see that another is, say, in pain, he denies that I can see that the other is not a zombie. Cassam follows Dretske in holding that I can see that another is in pain or angry, and he allows that I can see that the other is not a zombie. In this paper I consider why Cassam and Dretske come to different conclusions as to the extent of our knowledge here. I end by raising a question for Cassam’s position.