The scope of activities of University Center for Space Research and Technologies (UCSRT) includes fundamental and applied research in the field of theoretical and experimental physics, space physics, geophysics, atmospheric physics, space, astrophysics, cosmology, space- materials science, development of mathematical models of processes in the near and distant space. At the Center, research and educational activities are performed in the field of space research and technologies, which have applications in electronics, telecommunications, geophysics, meteorology, ecology, archeology and other fields. The Center performs also research on properties of materials for space technologies.
Main educational activities of the Center are master's Program on “Space research” and Module 1 “Aerospace engineering” (small aero-spacecraft) of the master’s Program “Aerospace engineering and communications”, but its members lead also many courses of undergraduate programs in physics and engineering physics.
Scientific research fields of
University Center for Space Research and Technologies includes:
Space Physics:
1.Elementary particles physics and Early Universe
I. Breaking of dynamic symmetry
II. Quantum field theory.
III. Kaon physics.
IV. Phenomenology of antisymmetric tensor particles.
V. Neutrino oscillations
VI. Early universe
VII. Quantum field theory with a fundamental length.
VIII.Experimental Particle Physics
2. Space Impact on the Environment
I. Solar Impact on Global Climate Changes
II. Solar terrestrial relations and solar forcing of the climate.
III. Orbital Variations of the Earth’s Orbit and their influence over Glacial Periods
IV. Cosmic Rays Impact on the Global Climate Changes
V. Solar Modulation of the Geomagnetic Activity and the related Processes
VI. Solar and Geomagnetic Activity Impact on Human Health
3. Solar physics
I. Solar Activity
II. Variations of Solar Irradiance
III. Structure and processes in the Solar Corona
IV. Heliospheric physics
V. Studies of the Solar Corona from Space Probes
VI. Studies of the Solar Corona from Stratospheric Flights
VII. Research of Solar Eclipses
4. Space Weather
Study of variations of the flux of dangerous high-energy particles in the Space.
5. Study of Asteroids and Comets interactions with the Sun and Earth
I. Study of collisions of asteroids and comets with the Sun and planets and their consequences.
II. Search for new asteroids and comets.
6. Variations of Cosmic Rays Flux and Production of Cosmogenic Isotopes
7. Applications of Space Research and Technologies in Archaeological and historical research.
Applications of space research and technology in archaeological research are a natural bridge between the Natural and Humanitarian Sciences, integration among which is especially necessary for the functioning of the University as unified institution.
I. Applications of Space Technologies in Archaeological and Historical research
-a. Applications of space technology in archaeological research:
The Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) was developed by NASA to study the lunar ground for the needs of the US space program. Its applications in archeology established GPR as the most powerful arhaeo-geophysics method. The Archaeo-geophysics laboratory of UCSRT is the only laboratory in Bulgaria using GPR to study archaeological objects. It has applied activities.
-b. Applications of space technologies for location and mapping of areas inhabited by ancient people and their migration:
This method has been developed in 2003 by UCSRT team. It uses satellite measurements of the location of archaeology monuments, ancient villages and historical areas from the space, and allows for localization and precise mapping of areas inhabited by ancient people and their migration, even before emerging of any writing culture.
II. Applications of Space Research in Archaeological and Historical research
-а. Applications of space technology for dating of archaeological objects.
Space research is used to develop new methods for dating of archaeological objects.
-b. Study of the influence of cosmic phenomena and processes on the migration of ancient people.
We study the impact of cosmic events and processes on the sea level rising, which have caused migrations of ancient people in the past.
-c. Applications of space technology to study archaeological objects.
RGB-photometry was developed by UCSRT for registration of ground observation of the structure of the far solar corona, which is visible only from the Space coronagraph LASCO. Later, it was adopted for studies of archeological objects and cultural heritage.
The applied research of the Center includes developing of registration systems for IR, UV and visible images for remote observations from airplanes, unmanned aircrafts (UAVs) and satellites, their photometry, study of the solar and cosmic influence on the environment and applications of space research and technologies for archaeological research and exploration. It includes also research and localization of asteroids and dangerous near Earth objects (NEO) as well as evaluation of the damages, which they could cause upon potential collision with Earth.
The scientific outcome of the Center is significantly higher than the average production of the departments in the Faculty of Physics, despite its smaller staff: the results of the research activities of the members of the Center are published in 750 publications in scientific journals, monographs (mostly international), and conference proceedings, from which 560 publications in peer reviewed journals with impact factor.
Their results are presented in 167 reports at international congresses, conferences, symposia and schools, as 23 of them are invited or plenary reports.
They are cited 31290 times from foreign scientists, and research teams. 89 from the papers are cited more than 89 times, each (h-factor 89).
Specialists of the Center lead national and international research projects and programs. They have participated in one European, 10 international, 3 Italian and two Canadian research projects. At the moment they are leading two international research programs of one international scientific union. They review articles in prestigious international journals; are members of the editorial boards of international journals, editors of foreign monographs; evaluate Italian research projects in the fields of physics, astrophysics and Earth sciences; and participate in the appraisal of Italian universities. They chaired scientific organizing committees of five international scientific schools and conferences, and 6 sessions of other international conferences.
Specialists from UCSRT participate in large international collaborations and experiments in elementary particle physics, such as ATLAS, CHORUS, DELPHI, HARP, OPERA and H1.
One PhD student from the University of Bologna, Italy, was trained at the Center within the European program ERASMUS for PhD student exchange.
The only Archaeo-geophysics laboratory in Bulgaria functions at the UCSRT.
The Center sustains intensive international connections and collaborations with Universities and scientific institutions in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Croatia, Czech republic, Egypt, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Italy, Luxembourg, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Romania, Russia, Slovenia, South Africa, Serbia, Spain, Swisszerland, UK, USA and other countries.
The UCSRT represents Sofia University in the cluster “AERO-SPACE TECHNOLOGIES, RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS” (CASTRA). The cluster is a national consortium of 20 Bulgarian Universities, Scientific institutes, private companies and enterprises. Its objectives are: to support Bulgaria’s joining to the European Space Agency (ESA), joint participation in national and international programs etc. One of the main activities of the cluster is to support building up of appropriate options for training, professional qualification and personnel growth, creating joint educational centers and developing of modern educational programs for training in the field of “Aero-space technologies, research and applications” and relevant subjects. Joining of Bulgaria to the European Space Agency (ESA), will open the access of the Faculty’s graduates to 17 000 well paid jobs in their professional field. This will increase strongly the motivation of the high-school graduates to study at the Physics Faculty. Bulgaria is the only EU member, which is not yet a member of ESA. Our joining of ESA (which is scheduled for 2015) will open new horizons for developing of the Bulgarian physics and for realization of its specialists. The members of the cluster rely on UCSRT for the training and education of the staff for the Bulgarian space program, as the only specialized University unit in this field in Bulgaria.
Brochure of Scientific Research of UCSRT
University Center for Space Research and Technologies has YouTube channel: