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Sofia University offers a 4-year full time Bachelor’s degree programs taught in English in:


  • European Union and European Integration (in English) at the Faculty of Classical and Modern Languages


The European Union and European Integration (EUEI) BA Program taught in English has been designed primarily for citizens of states which are not EU members and for citizens of countries preparing for membership in the Union. Its duration is 4 academic years / 8 semesters and the students are accepted after an exam in English.

The EUEI Program has both a holistic and interdisciplinary character. While allowing the students the possibility to analyze the process of European integration within the context of various subjects, it provides the opportunity to go beyond the limitations of geography. It also gives an opportunity to become fluent in three European languages. The students graduate after successfully defending a BA thesis and taking a state exam in English.

The main objective of the EUEI Program is to prepare experts who will utilize the Bulgarian experience in regional integration, in preparing for EU membership, and in negotiating EU accession. At the same time it will provide a fully integrated environment for combining EU Law Studies, International Relations, Politics, and Economics with Language and Cultural Studies. After the second year the students can continue their studies choosing one of the five specialized modules in the above-mentioned areas.

In addition, top-level experts from Bulgaria and other EU governmental and academic institutions will be able to share with the students their practical experience of working with and in the European Union. Visits by the graduates to EU institutions will contribute to enhancing their practical skills. Thus they will acquire the necessary skills to work as experts on European integration issues within their area of specialization, and to participate in negotiations, in economic, cultural and political interactions with the institutions and employees of the EU.


  • Quantum, Nuclear and Particle Physics (in English) at the Faculty of Physics


The Quantum, Nuclear and Particle Physics (QNPP) Bachelor’s degree program taught in English provides a solid educational foundation in physics with special emphasis on subatomic physics and its applications. Prospective students will obtain a solid physics background and significant experience in the fields of fundamental and applied nuclear physics, particle physics, radiation dosimetry, radioecology, accelerators and their applications, and computational science. The NPP bachelor’s program is especially designed to provide the students with high quality knowledge and skills at a level that allows them not only to continue their education in graduate programs in EU universities and elsewhere, but also to be employed in R&D and analytical departments in the industry, and in scientific and government research laboratories. The training methods are based on modern information technologies. Students are allowed and encouraged to perform scientific research at the departments of the Faculty of Physics from the beginning of their study.


  • Philosophy (in English) at the Faculty of Philosophy


The main objective of the Bachelor’s program in Philosophy taught in English is to provide students with a broad background in main systematic areas of Philosophy as well as in its historical development. The aim is to cultivate methodological skills, analytical ability, and critical thinking; to foster erudition and creativity. Students will gain wide and fundamental knowledge of the evolution of the philosophical and social thought so that they to be able to build on it some specialized philosophical skills and habits of critical and flexible thinking, cultural self-reflection, of immersing themselves into the different traditions and embracing the world in its complexity. The program includes a core module of courses required for obtaining a teacher’s license in Philosophy for secondary schools in Bulgaria (and some other EU countries) and an elective module of courses required for a license in Philosophy with Children practice in kindergartens, elementary and primary schools. The program is completed with defense of a BA thesis and taking a state teacher’s exam.


  • African Studies (in English) at the Faculty of Classical and Modern Philology

The new BA Program in African Studies of the Faculty of Classical and Modern Philology is aimed at students who are interested in acquiring a comprehensive understanding of the linguistic, literary, cultural, historical, and socio-economic diversity of Africa. It is the only one in Bulgaria which offers a full cycle of philological studies in English as a first language and French or Portuguese as a second language combined with the opportunity to study one or two African languages and different aspects of African cultures and societies. The Program is eight semesters and the students have the opportunity to specialize in one of the three areas, Anglophone Africa, Francophone Africa or Lusophone Africa, after their fifth semester of studies. After graduating the students can work as highly qualified specialists and translators in governmental and non-governmental organizations and cultural institutions working with/for or in Africa. There is an opportunity as well to become teachers either in English and French or in English and Portuguese, if they decide to take the pedagogical module which is offered as an elective. In the course of their studies the students can participate in various exchange programs with African universities with which Sofia University has student-mobility agreements.


  • Accounting, Finance and Digital Applications (in English) at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration


The main objective of the new full-time Bachelor’s degree program in Accounting, Finance, and Digital Applications is to prepare highly qualified professionals with in-depth knowledge and skills in accounting and finance, and through the application of digital tools to solve financial and accounting cases, problems and issues. The first two semesters cover the fundamental common courses of the bachelor’s programs of the faculty and aim to provide students with a solid background in economics and management theories. The remaining semesters are concentrated on the specialized disciplines. One of the important distinctive features of the program is the focus on the acquisition of soft skills. The program is accredited by ICAEW (Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales), a UK professional body.

Proficiency in English language (at a level of at least B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) and good grades in Mathematics (High school level of education) are required. Applicants with no proof of English language proficiency will be required to sit an exam in English language at the University, prior to the final acceptance.The successful graduates could be employed as financial analysts, accountants, taxation specialists, auditor assistants, business analysts, lecturers, economists, financial market analysts, financial communicators, business and financial institutions relations specialists, treasury analysts, etc.


  • International Trade and Investment (in English) at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration


The Bachelor's program "International Trade and Investment" (in English) has a strong interdisciplinary character, offering a combination of economic, business, legal, accounting, financial, and investment disciplines. The specialty aims to develop national expertise in preparing specialists in international economic relations by building on the experience of leading higher education institutions in the EU and OECD, which are established centers for scientific research and higher education and are part of the networks of AMBA, AACSB, OECD (Financial Literacy Initiative), the European Investment Bank, and others - with which the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration at Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" already has established relations.

The Bachelor's program "International Trade and Investments" in English is open to all candidates who have completed secondary education and have English language proficiency at a minimum level of B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

Graduates with a qualification in "Economist in International Trade and Investments" can successfully work in international and national companies, government institutions, national employer organizations, bilateral chambers of commerce in Bulgaria and partner countries, international institutions (European Union, OECD, EIB, etc.), non-governmental organizations in the country and abroad.


  • Climate changes and management (in English) at the Faculty of Geology and geography


Climate change and management BSc is a 4-year English-taught undergraduate interdisciplinary program, which explores the environmental, socio-economic and political aspects of climate change. It prepares graduates with understanding and skills for work in the expanding climate change sector. The climate crisis remains the defining issue of this century with dramatic consequences expected not only for the global environment but also human health, well-being, and all economic sectors. This poses a range of new challenges for society and has created a great demand for professionals with up-to-date knowledge on climate change with competence of adaptation and mitigation strategies, approaches, and technologies.