"I am ..."is a series of interviews with Sofia University students. Each week you will be able to have a look at the same world viewed from a different point of view: of the philosopher, mathematician, journalist, physicist.
You will enter this world with Diana Damyanova - a second-year student, specialty Philosophy.
"I can say a lot about myself and I can also skip a lot. I can see the world in pink or I can be blind for the grayness. I can hear the talk of crowds and I can also listen to the silence....
What can YOU do?
Why do you study?
What are your goals?
What do you believe in?
I want to present your point of view."
This week's guest is Paola Angelova, third-year student, specialty Philosophy. She was admitted at Sofia University as a winner in the 20th National Competition in Philosophy. She graduated the language school in Vratza" Joan Exarch, profile English and German.