Conference "Parliament Democracy: achievements and challenges" was organized by association "Constitutionalism and democracy" in the Aula on 12th July, 2011.
The conference was dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Constitution of Republic of Bulgaria.
It is the underlying law of the state which establishes the principles of autonomous political governance - the form, structure and procedures of the state and local authorities, economy and society, as well as the relation "state - citizen". The Constitution supports mutual understanding, tolerance and national agreement.
Bulgarian society ended the totalitarian times and moved towards democracy since 12th July, 1991.
Lyuben Kornezov, a member of the Seventh Grand Assembly, appointed as a result of the first democratic election, said that 313 day dreamers signed the Constitution. The members of the opposition then announced that they were against the Constitution because in their view it was not democratic enough.
Luchezara Pravcheva, abridged